Wednesday, March 5, 2008

G's first "bonk"

Kids sitting peacefully next to each other, playing with different things. Suddenly a piercing cry is made, and when I look over: G is laying on her side, crying and screaming. I scoop her up, holding her close, and notice the blood dripping from her lip. Yup, the first bonk is always the worst! She bit her lip just hard enough to make it bleed - down her chin, dripping onto her clothes. (The part of me that isn't consumed with calming both kids down, comforting G, and getting the blood cleaned up is quite happy I put her in pink today.) [One hour after the event, Q admits to pushing G; we had a discussion about pushing and how it's not nice to do. "Yes it is!" was his response. Oh boy, it's going to be a fun day.]

Fast forward about 30 minutes, G is again happily playing with the metal bowl, and now Q is sitting on the edge of the toy box. You guessed it! The toy box tipped over, causing Q to fall on his ass. This scares him, quite a lot, and I get the distinct pleasure of listening to him scream. Then G starts to scream - in sympathy, I'm sure. After about 5 minutes, I finally get them calmed down, and now they are enjoying their lunch.

Ibuprofen, please.

[Q wanted to feed G during lunch, and somehow or another managed to fall of his chair and land, literally, on his head. How does he do these things??]


Q said...

Posts with no pictures are the devil!

We, the viewing audience, demand photographs, even if they aren't relevant to the story at hand!

Perhaps a picture of a nice temple or something?

Nubcakes said...

Doesn't this post belong on your other blog?

Lirri said...

Normally a family post would go on the other blog, but I'm currently taking some sh*^ from my mom about Q, and don't want her to read this. I figured this was a good forum to vent. Sometimes just writing down manages to get my anger and/or frustration levels to decrease.

Toki said...

I agree with Q!!

Also, that son of yours is starting to show his parentage... on the paternal side.

Lirri said...

Starting??? They could have been twins when the boy was younger!

You must be talking about his actions, not his looks....