Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I think the only thing worse than waiting for book 7 is reading book 7 two pages at a time. Humph.


Q said...

At 2 pages a day you'll be done in about 1 year and 20 days!

Toki said...

Actually, what's worse is waiting for your husband to finish reading book 7 first...

He who constantly falls asleep 20 minutes into his book.

Alyssa, Brian, Forrest, Angi, and Andrew said...

Hey, I finished a week ago! Wanna know who dies?

Lirri said...

It's a good thing I haven't been reading blogs lately, or else I would seriously be considering committing sisteracide! I did finally finish it, in a grand sweep of staying up until 3am on the first night of Q's Seward/diving weekend. I was VERY tired the next day!! I kept encouraging Gretchen to nurse so that I could justify reading instead of doing housework!